As a community, this is what we believe about Spirituality, Personal & Spiritual Growth, Inclusion & Exclusion:


Spirituality is not religion and is actually sometimes missing from religion. Spirituality is in everyone and every being. It is the channel that connects us to the Source/God/Universe/Love. It is like a muscle that needs to be developed and exercised for a full, healthy life.


Growing personally and spirituality is a commitment to nurturing and being the unique expression of God that we are. Growing in these ways is life-giving and life-long. Growing helps us to be more present, connected, and loving. We believe that when we are open to growing and we commit to it, it spills over into all the other parts of our life and relationships - so it benefits others too.


At Plan Be, inclusion and exclusion is a more nuanced conversation than just having a sign that says “All are welcome” or having a rainbow flag at the corner of a window.

We include and acknowledge people of all gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities, ethnicities, ages, socioeconomic and marital statuses, beliefs, and religious affiliations.

. . . So, we exclude people who do not acknowledge identities and speak of others with ignorance and hatred. We do not tolerate racism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, ageism, Islamophobia, or anti-Semitism. In this way, we create safer spaces for marginalized people to talk and be themselves, which can lead to richer, deeper conversations about our lives, relationships, and spirituality.

We include people who have a desire and commitment to grow personally, emotionally, and spiritually in a supportive community . . . and who are committed to being part of that supportive community for others.

. . . So, we exclude people who are not open to being open and are unwilling to grow. In this case, exclusion helps us to be true to our mission of creating and sustaining environments that offer opportunities for personal, spiritual, and missional exploration, reflection, and growth.

At Plan BE, inclusion and exclusion isn’t about being polite or politically correct; it’s about setting and keeping healthy boundaries so that we can grow and be in community together.